

This is my family-小柴

Welcome to my blog, I am Sophia Hsiao. 🙂

who I am?

I often ask myself. In my mind this has been repeated problems, its especially in life they are in doubt and cannot decide the answer, I’ll ask my question, how can I do?

In my growing up, I was very lonely, because there is not much in the right direction for me,When I was 20 years old, I follow to my father’s advice, I became a professional soldier, which is desirable for my father, although he did not see me successfully retired from the army, but I always looked at the sky to talk to my father, I’m fine! please do not worry about me.

My 20-year military time, I put my life in the most brilliant of the time invested in my work, and I met a lot of very tough boss, I am very grateful to them, because they make me become a broader vision of life, for a different view human nature and experience.

I like to keep learning, so I use non-native blogging,  it is a new learning for me. 🙂

When I was a soldier, every day I need to run, but I felt very painful,  After I leave work, I fresh look at this thing  about running , I find it makes me self-actualization and to establish the confidence.


we are very fond of the simple life, so in the 2006, we bought a piece of farmland, we are planted a lot of trees and flowers, we hope to create a full natural and primitive living conditions, Now every year attracts many Birds come to visit, and this is what we expect.

There are mountains, there are birds, there are trees and flowers, hope Blogs recorded and after pondering review for this beautiful land.

(Taiwan Hsinchu, Sinpu 2014.09.23)



31 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Sophia,

    Thanks for dropping by my blog!! I see we have a lot in common as I also love nature and photography and I live in Taiwan as well (but I am from Canada). Plus, I see that you love to photograph flowers (I love flowers and I love to take pictures of them as well). I am happy to hear that you are enjoying the simple life – sometimes its the smallest things in life that make us happy!

    Feel free to drop by my blog and say hi anytime!


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m retired now and have been a photographer for 43 years. I too love a simple life, nature & animals. I’ve been blogging about my life now for over two years. I have many followers from all over the world. Welcome and please stop by again.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. 真的太美了。我相信,能住在這樣的美景中,重新細細品味這塊美麗的土地,是許多人的夢想 —— 至少,我也希望能有這樣的後人生 🙂 妳的部落格幾乎是全英文寫成,看到許多國外部落客透過妳的照片欣賞到台灣之美,真的讓我很感動。

    還能說什麼呢?只好關注了,請繼續讓我們看更多的美景吧 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • 看見妳的留言真的真的讓我太感動了,不用自己母語書寫,我想是一件奇怪的事,也許我的原意是跟更多不同國家的朋友分享台灣新竹新埔這個小鄉鎮的美麗自然風景,除了美好之外,無可言喻,謝謝妳,我只能自己的步調方式用快門來記錄生活所及,謝謝妳喔!我會繼續的記錄下去。

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great pictures, we do have two things in common one is that I got interested in photography when I started here in wordpress two that I was a soldier but for 4 and a half years if I did more than that I´d probably wouldn´t be here and actually a third one also, I find working the land and I have worked as a gardener, really working not a hobby they paid me to take care of peoples plants, bushes, trees, grass and the rest, that was how I earned my living and did find it quite therapeutical for me even though it is back bracking labour.glad you stumbled upon one of my crazy little post and hope you have that beautiful patch of land to to enjoy

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am very pleased to meet you, forgive me so late to reply your message, we have the same life or work experience, such as the military and gardening work.
      Your poem can feel your character aspires to freedom, I believe in past lives and work experience should be influential, if you can, from your poetry, I want to read, anyway, nice to meet you. 🙂


  5. Pingback: Blogger Award Encouraging Thunder #3 | Encouraging Life

  6. It’s wonderful to read of your life and you are accomplishing more everyday.
    I hope you get this reply because I am concerned about you and the Typhoon!
    Please let me know you are fine, and my compliments to your never ending positive approach to everyday life!


  7. Meihsiu, God bless you! I actually worried about you and I am pleased to hear from you and assume you are well.
    I take this opportunity to thank you for liking my poetry over and again!
    I will be back to read some more and wish you a wonderful and prosperous day!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Gorgeous gardens and blooms! Congratulations to you and your family on your new home that you’ve built together! May God continue to bless your family!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Sophia,
    My husband and I will visit Taiwan in late January, early February 2017. Our itinerary is still open. Are there any special places you would recommend we visit? We love cultural heritage: architecture, music, art and festivals. We don’t drive so we have to either take a train or a bus. Thank you, you blog is quite inspirational!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love to garden but sadly I don’t have time for it. When I did, it gave me a lot of peace and reflection upon my life as well as what God has done for me. I took up the passion after my father-in-law who served in the military (Navy) for many years, traveling abroad. He saw many things that soldiers should not have to see and it troubled him, but he was a good soldier. When he came home, he focused on his love for gardening which comforted him and gave him pleasure to see what grew from his devotion. He has since passed away but whenever we see a beautiful flower or vegetable garden, our memories turn to him. Thank you for sharing your life in your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

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