My Garden-Happy colors



This is a ground cover plants, it will be covered the entire piece of land, there is the role of soil and water conservation, and this season it may prescribe a lot of yellow flowers, and these flowers will grow toward the direction of the sun, I feel very wonderful. 🙂

This is my garden, I remember a few days ago that I did not order it rose plants fertilize roses bloom this morning, 50 is amazing the number of flowers.

Taiwan Lily

Taiwan Lily

I can not wait to come up with the camera as it leaves a beautiful record, because I know that after a few days of beautiful flowers will slowly wither away, so I can do is leave it the most beautiful images, then share with my friends .


Since the build of the cabin in the mountains, I had a lot of exposure to nature, I am not afraid to see an insect or animal, but wanted to go to know them, I learned not to disturb their life, this will have many opportunities to observe I think.

 Snow swan roses

Snow swan roses

This creepers roses, I personally building a wooden arches, it has beautiful name called snow swan.

 Taiwan Acacia (相思樹)

Taiwan Acacia (相思樹)

I feel happy, because I live in the environment, the seasons have different colors, which will blossom from the trees, now flowering acacia tree, its tiny yellow flowers like cotton balls, it’s very cute.

Muller's Barbet

Muller’s Barbet(五色鳥)

Chinese bulbul

Chinese bulbul


8 thoughts on “My Garden-Happy colors

  1. 在大自然地生態環境裡.藏著許許多多的驚喜—永遠有觸動內心感動的景物—

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